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The good of all comes from everyone



LatoC proposes a communication strategy for Biotest which sums up the corporate concept. A drop of blood is shown as the element that unites people’s lives and their stories. Lives that interweave, lock together, transform each other, and start over.
How can all this be represented? With the drawing skill of Ale Giorgini, who enclosed a kaleidoscope of stories within the image of the drop of blood. Women, men, and children were portrayed in their daily life activities within the same icon – united by a common purpose, of transforming blood into plasma-derived medicinal products to save human lives. It’s a way to reveal the company’s work and products as well as its awareness of ethical and social responsibility.

The good of all is produced by individuals.
With this claim, Biotest confirms its role as a pharmaceutical company that works to narrate the importance of people’s actions – how a blood donation can literally save human lives.

The Organ Donation campaign.

Just as donating blood means contributing to a shared asset, the act of donating an organ is a similar concept. This is why, in addition to producing drugs used during organ transplant procedures, Biotest wants to raise awareness regarding the question of organ donation and does so with a campaign that makes a strong visual impact.

Every organ is portrayed as a collective puzzle of stories – from the story of the donor to that of the organ recipient, along with the experiences of relatives and medical staff involved, because each of us has a story inside that deserves to be told.

Un impegno da mettere in mostra.

Per il 43° congresso SITO (Società Italiana Trapianti d’Organo e di tessuti) latoC e Biotest hanno “messo in mostra” la campagna donazione. Un’intera area del Congresso è stata allestita con un percorso di tavole big size. Una presenza scenica di notevole impatto e di grande successo, che ha coinvolto i visitatori in un viaggio emotivo inaspettato.

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