It has invaded our world and our lives, it has brought pain and suffering, but Covid has also offered all of us the opportunity to stop and reflect on the value of life, on what really matters, on the lessons we can draw, even from such a terrible experience.
LatoC and Biotest, engaged in the production of blood products and always at the forefront of protecting people’s lives, sign a major documentary project to testify how hospitals reacted to the shock wave and how healthcare personnel adapted to the emergency, learning day after day to face a sneaky, completely unknown enemy.
Alessio Mamo, Stuart Patton and Mattia Balsamini: 3 exceptional photographers in 3 different hospitals, witnessed the metamorphosis of the health wards, which soon became “covid wards”, isolated from the rest of the world.
Their personal vision and emotions filtered through the lens, give us an intense and moving cross-section that appears to come from a single large hospital, the one populated by the minds of all of us, minds projected right there, every day.
This experience gave birth to Intensive Photography, an editorial project curated by Raffaele Vertaldi. A photographic collection that reflects the perception of isolation in the editorial structure itself, paginated with dividers that isolate the covid department and the cover printed with the aim of emphasizing the distance, telling the emotional charge of the healthcare personnel and covid patients, unable to have contacts.
Together with the real testimonies of doctors and nurses and a video report, the project presents itself as a documentary journey that bears witness to a moment of crisis and resilience in our history. A path that Biotest and latoC have felt the duty to do.
XI edition of the L’Italia che Comunica award
Category: Italy that communicates Italy